My Top 5 News Outlets

 Nowadays news has become very modernized and more importantly digitized. Thus making being informed and staying up to date with current events easier. With that I also think media outlets are also using their platforms to distract people from current events so we can have this thought that we live in this utopia and nothing bad ever happens around us. Now personally my top 5 new outlets are more Hollywood media based since just like most people nowadays I just love seeing a problematic celebrity finally get what’s coming to them. 

    1. Instagram: Now I use instagram to connect with my loved ones, keep up with the drama, and I check on things going on back home. I live in Philadelphia and not every missing person, shooting, etc is going to be reported on the news. So there’s this instagram account that does that. They also take in tips and try to help others find their missing children. I remember about a year ago I was scrolling on Instagram and I saw a girl that I knew from high school that went missing. I looked everywhere to see if it was true but that page was the only place keeping people updated and broadcasting the story. So I do check on that page often to make sure my neighborhood is okay and I can check on my family back home better when it comes to crime watching and such. 
    2. Youtube: Youtube has always been a way for me to learn new things or keep up with events in a visual way. I’m the type of person that thinks “watching” the news is hard because I have a lower attention span but I try to trick myself into thinking I’m just watching a youtube video. Even while I scroll to see a different video I’ll click on the explore tab and see what’s going on through trending videos or a trending topic people are covering.
    3. Tik Tok: Even though I use Tik Tok as a fun outlet I do follow various news influencers. I think Tik Tok sometimes takes news to the next level when it comes to meme culture. People have made funny videos using fun sounds in order to send really important messages. Like when BLM started there was a popular sound some people were using to “trick” people into receiving more information about BLM and promoting petitions in order to bring justice for Breonna Taylor’s family

    4. Twitter: I love twitter. To me it’s like a virtual soapbox. I think people say their opinions/ hot takes more on twitter and some of them are really talking about some deep topics. I can admit I honestly learned a lot about the recent Russia V. Ukraine stuff through twitter. Some people are even explaining it in simpler terms on different platforms like Tik Tok and it’s being wide spread to places like Twitter. Which is why misinformation can be spread on Twitter. So when I do see something on twitter that seems far fetched/fishy I end up diving deep into the comments or cross referencing it with a good ole google search. Due to the fact that the internet has turned into such a toxic place people can get “canceled” for a reason that simply is fabricated. People can lose their businesses or and some close relationships over someone on Twitter making a false rumor.

    5. CNN: I don’t watch CNN much however I used to keep up with it very frequently when elections were coming around. Especially when it was my first time voting. I needed to follow what other candidates were arguing and eventually I started using the platform for news more and more for news and now I am not gonna lie I have used it less for a way of escapism. 2020 was a tough year for me then 2021 I felt like everything has been just getting worse.


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