Supreme Court Reflection

I think the video on the supreme court really gave me an insight on the process. One of the things that I really took into perspective is when they said that they make decisions in quiet chambers. It made me think that yes that is true but the power/impact the supreme court has is way “louder”. I think in a position like that it’s hard for people to separate the decisions they make from the person. I sometimes catch myself doing the same thing and in the video they talked about it. They mentioned trying to reach the same objective and respecting each other’s good faith in trying to achieve that objective and in addition to that they shake hands. I also remember when Ruth Bader Ginsburg talked about how when she presented her first argument, she was nervous until she realized the power she had in that moment. She said that it felt good because they had to listen to her for the next 30 mins.  Another thing that intrigued me was the number of cases they get. Going from 7,000 cases to only selecting about 100 to the fullest is a huge difference. Plus some of the cases are really revolutionary like Roe V. Wade, Plessy V Ferguson, and Brown V. Board and if I were to put myself in their shoes I honestly don’t think I could ever do that job. For one of the simple facts that I wouldn’t be able to separate my emotion/passion from the case and I wouldn’t be able to fully respect my colleagues because some policies/decisions are just discriminatory. I don’t think my view of the supreme court has been changed from the video/article but I did learn more about the process.


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