Twitter EOTO Project

So let’s talk about Twitter and how it came to be. Twitter was a product of a failed start-up named Odeo. Odeo was Noah Glass’ product where you call a phone number and it would turn your message into an MP3 hosted on the Internet. By 2005 Odeo was born however Apple had another thing in mind. Around that same time was when Apple introduced Itunes. So sadly the Odeo project was a fail but luckily for us we got Twitter out of it. Now Evan Williams needed a new product since the start up was a fail. That’s when Jack Dorsey, an Odeo employee came up with the idea of people sending messages to update their status AKA tell us what they are doing at the moment. 

Now in the one of the articles I read said that Noah Glass was very passionate about this project and actually came up with the name Twttr (kinda like Flickr). When this idea was proposed to Evan it said that he also was skeptical about it. But he took a chance and Now Twitter is what we all know and love today. By March of 2006 there was a prototype for the product and people loved it. Odeo employees' SMS bills were getting higher because they were so obsessed with it. 

By July of 2006 Twitter was launched to the public. Six months after firing Glass and changing the company name Twttr became Twitter. Twitter usage exploded at the South by Southwest Convention in Austin, Texas in March 2007, sending over 60,000 tweets  per day and growing rapidly from there.

Now I really love Twitter because of the range of content you can get on there but it does have its negative effects. Just like any social media outlet there will be cyberbullying. Now on Twitter it gets a little extreme. It can easily become cyberstalking. And don’t get me started on canceling celebrities. Recently Zoë Kravitz and other celebs are being “dragged” and “canceled'' on Twitter for their comments on the Will Smith incident. Where there have been times where I think Twitter is going in terms of making a change, receiving news, and being able to podcast your thoughts on a larger platform like a virtual soapbox. I do think that there is a severe lack of cybersecurity on the app. I think it comes from not really knowing the impact of the internet yet and not truly understanding how addicting that type of escapism can be. Especially when people are using it to relax or go viral by accident like Alex from Target. But there are some good things that come from being on Twitter. For example the Hashtag activism like #BLM or #Mybodymychoice. Those hashtags may have started on social media to get people talking but #BLM definitely got more active in the protesting/streets in the last couple years. 


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